SyUkUr ALhaMduLiLLaH

Slalu kusakiti Engkau dengan dosaku
Ku balas semua kebaikan-Mu dengan kecurangan
Tiada pernah ku menyadari semuanya
Bahwa nafas yang ku hirup adalah kuasa-Mu

Alhamdulillah ku syukuri semua
Terimakasih ku Ya Allah
Atas indahnya hidup

Alhamdulillah ku syukuri semua
Terimakasih ku Ya Robbi
Atas rahmat dalam hidupku

Slalu ku tinggalkan Engkau dengan khilafku
Kubalas semua kemurahan-Mu dengan keburukan
Tiada pernah ku menyadari semuanya
Bahwa nafas yang ku hirup adalah kuasa-Mu
  • this is a song by Ungu.... a really touching song that touches my heart upon listening to it during watching a Malay drama at TV3 last week.... after knowing the singer, i straight away downloaded the song.... a very simple song but full of meanings....
  • y do we often neglect HIM??? has He ever forgotten us??? has He ever left us behind??? there are too many questions raised about our behaviour towards HIM, The Creator.... i remember one quote saying that "Allah tak pernah sakitkan hati kita, kenapa kita nak sakitkan hati Dia???
  • reading tru the lyrics will make we feel how small we are compare to His power.... He owns everything that we have in life..... every air that we breathe comes from Him.... every water that we drink belongs to him.... in fact, we borrow everything from him....
  • maybe thats the nature of mankind.....

-Posted on 25 Nov 08-

2 Ur Opinion...:

HAKIM said...

sheri, i really love this entry..
i'm currently also working on it man...
let's do some changes in our life and go back to our creator...
you know what i'm talking about,and i always love to have some kind of personal chats over this matter...
do buzz me sometimes if you feel like sharing the feelings with me ya???
take care my dear...

LovelyEyna said...

very true, sheri...