MiSS BriLL...

finally, the butterflies in my stomach have been released.....i hv been very worried for the past 2 weeks for Dr Rai's presentation....i duno y this time around i get so nervous.....i even try practising for the presentation.....i could say that this is the toughest presentation i ever have so far in my life.....i even prepare a script....i duno y i feel that way.....maybe its just my nerves....huhu.....so the time came...i was supposed to present third but then presented first.....i was a bit nervous but as i had few practice, i could control myself....haha....finally, the burden is lifted up from me n my grup....haha....i could say that im satisfied wif the presentation.....then dr rai announced the marks......our grup scored 17/20......i was very happy n relieved.....i was very proud of my group coz we put a lot of effort in doing this assignment......tq to KIM,RIKFY,NANA n HAI for the cooperation and support given.....CHAIYOK MISS BRILL!!!!

3 Ur Opinion...:

LovelyEyna said...

sheri! not to mention that your group has the highest mark as well! :) congratulations, Miss Brill!!! ;) hehe...

apprehension said...

sheri, soalan tok atas sebab curiosity. ktk present miss brill sungguh la hebat sampei kamek tertanya2, adakah ktk mengalami situasi yang sama dengan Miss Brill? hehe.. sekda bah. guro jak :P slamat ari raya.. :D congratulation sheri and the group mates~

ash_mirza said...

perlu ka pdh mcm ya hanie...
kmk bkn miss brill la....
kmk miss world jak...