CikGu NaK BaLiK DuLu..

well, have u ever heard of a teacher being so durjana when the class ends....this is a script that i overheard....

Teacher H : Murid, murid, cikgu nak balik dulu. Jangan buat bising ye!

that sounds very the durjana coz when u listen the tone, then u'll get what i mean....what kinda of teacher is this??? looks very rushing to get out of the class....haha...well, i shd salute that person coz being himself/herself....nang jujur n not being hypocrite at all....thats gud...but how do the students react then???i wonder....they might laugh or feel hepi as the teacher has proud to know this teacher actually...he'she will make a very telus, kudus, n jujur teacher....will scold anyone that annoys him/her.....congrats Teacher-To-Be that i know...u r great!!!!

1 Ur Opinion...:

HAKIM said...

hahahaha...terharu weh mdpt pujian the moral of the story is...dun be hypocrite...coz life is supposed to be enjoyable and expressive...muahhh