3rD WeeKeNd!!!

this is my third weekend here....boring li jak idup....its fine during weekdays.....but when it comes to weekend, it is damn boring.....i spend my time surfing till nothing to surf anymore....hehe.....what a horror life is that!!!! well, the fever for assignment is back.....too many assignments sumtimes help u to lessen the boredom of staying here....i duno y but whenever i want to post new entry, ive lost the idea....unlike at home, i couldnt be as creative as i shd be.....kesian sik???? tp nang kesian pun...thats the truth....in fact, i asked my frens if they feel the same way n the answer was positive....nang la membantutkan kreativiti jak diam ctok....haha....ala2 konflik jiwa jak dah.....haha.....well, i hv to face all these for another 2 years....sian li jak.....mun aku tok senang stress, konpom dah lamak dah jadi gila.....haha....ive got many things to share here but duno how to express it.....yalah aku pdh, jd stuck bah ide bila diam ctok...haha....well, thats all for now....gotta prepare for the assignment dr Raihanah...first time in my life i polah assignment in two hour time n has to do it using a small table n handwritten....lucu sik???but thats the fact!!!!haha....


well, nak ngerepak sbnrnya tok....adakah patut kmk org dipaksa pegi ke seminar
yang tersangat la sik bestnya di muka bumi tok.....bkn la nak anok apa, tp very d not
professional bah sidak polah ya.....huhu.....dahla main paksa2....ingat mek org tok
dah sikda keja kah....haha....ya sigek...tp bila dah sampey tempat seminar,
adakah ptt sik ckp tempat duduk....nang durjana la cdak penganjur ya.....
geram segeram geramnya tok....dahla no courtesy at all....
adakah golongan mcm ya ptt disegani...at the first place, yes...
tp mun dah jd mcm tok, tpaksa pk dua kali bah....
dahla ada gik seminar ya....nang rasa mls jak nyawa
nak pegi tp gney nak polah.....kita tok ibarat mentimun.....
daknya ya pisok.....huhu....saba jakla....

NaK GiLa....

  • aku rasa nak gila jak diam ctok...such a boring n ntah apa jakla....i duno what to say now....im bored n i feel like wanna be crazy....huhu....help me....i duno what to do....im lucky to hv my frens around, at least they keep me company.....but how long can i depend on them?????sikkan selamanya nak????daknya pun ada komitmen daknya mpun.....im getting tired living here.....i miss my good old days in kuching n IPBL (to be specific).....huhu....i dun wanna cry coz i hv to be strong.....how can i face everything here....
  • talking about loneliness, i hv sth not so rite wif my rumet.....i dun see any chemistry between the 2 of us.....i just duno how to say.....i feel that we are not compatible for each other.....we hardly talk to each other.....isnt that crazy coz i believe that rumets shd hv some sort of conversation but we dun.....just senyum n angguk kepala....isnt that crazy????i just duno how can face my life for this whole one year.....huhu.....anyone can help me????

HePi BuRfDay Bg HaKim.....

Hepi Burfday Bang Hakim.....
May Allah bless u.....
Semuga impianmu tercapai hendaknya......
Hepi 23rd Burfday!!!!!

2nD WeeK HeRe...

well, this is my 2nd week in UKM...kinda boring but at least the classes have started....so hv sth to do.....still in the miss-my-home-and-kuching mode....hehe....what have i gone through so far???
  • i hv entered Dr Raihanah's class.....she is a nice lady (my first impression la)...hehe....
  • i hv entered Pengurusan Masa class.....quite okla for the first class...
  • i hv also entered Dr Parilah's class......she's a bit funny n in a way....i guess so....
  • i hv also entered En Ahsan's class.....Persatuan Pelajar la....haha.....

well, last weekend was a kewl n nice weekend....i went to Malacca wif Arif n Iman to visit Shydee...we really had fun n i was quite tired...will post pictures of us soon.....haha....thats all for now....i duno y but since im in UKM, ive got less interest in blogging....in fact, my idea is limited....hehe....so guess its all for now....chow!!!!

5 DaYs iN UKM....

  • hola everyone....ive been away from kuching for 5 days...so many things differ here.....i need to start to adapt to the situation now....its hard but i have to....i miss a lot my home, n everything that i hv left in kuching....huhu....i just had my first class today....just finished it....dr raihanah's class....her class made me miss mdm suez's class...huhu....
  • well, my first time away in ukm wasnt that sad coz i still had my frens around...we went out together for the first time after 4 years....the SPICE GIRLS is back!!!!hehe....i had an amazing day that day...thnaks guys.....on monday, we registered subjects....so far, i hv taken 7 subjects this semester...its quite tiring living in UKM...im quite lucky coz my college is in the middle of UKM...so easy to go anywhere.....any bus can be used to go to any place.....thanks God for that.....hehe.....
  • i didnt have class on tuesday though we were supposed to hv REKACIPTA class.....so we went ard UKM to look up for this lecturer n that lecturer...hehe...quite tiring when it comes to waiting for the bus....hehe....in the afternun, i wnet to KL to meet my dad...i stayed in KL for two nights...it was fun coz at least i can forget about UKM for a while....hehe....went to many malls to do shopping....haha....nang kepak la juak.....my dad's existence helped to lessen my sadness...huhu....sedey li jak bunyi!!!!haha....
  • i went back to UKM this morning.....kinda boring but i hv no choice...i hv to be positive about it....so far, ive got nothing else to comment except that im bored n getting bored living here.....maybe coz i hvnt started my life as a student yet.....hopefully everything gonna be fine soon.....
  • thats all from now.....will update more when i hv time.....ive got to pay for the internet here.....the wireless isnt working yet....haha....thats y i miss my time blogging back at home.....MISS KUCHING SO MUCH!!!!

In UKM...

im in UKM oledi....
kinda sad...huhu....

ToMoRo iS d Day!!!

im done wif the packing....
im x sure if im ready to go.....
tomoro morning, ill be leaving my hometown.....
gonna miss it so much....
im x sure how my life will be.....
im sad now.....
even wanted to cry just now.....
today is my last day at home....
gonna miss it.....huhu....

BeSt AcTor (ParT 2)

Nasir Bilal Khan - FFM 11 (Perempuan, Isteri & ...)
Sidi Oraza - FFM 12 (Sayang Salmah)
FFM 13 (Layar Lara)
Khalid Salleh - FFM 14 (Jogho)
Afdlin Shauki - FFM 15 (Soal Hati)
FFM 19 (Buli Balik)
Rosyam Nor - FFM 16 (KL Menjerit)
Eman Manan - FFM 17 (Buai Laju-laju)
Zamarul Hisham - FFM 18 (Di Ambang Misteri)
Rusdi Ramli - FFm 20 (Waris Jari Hantu)
  • well, these actors have put thier name among the winners for Best Actor award FFM....

BeSt AcTor (ParT 1)

Dato' Jins Shamssudin - FFM 1 (Tiada Esok Bagimu)
Dato' Rahim Razali - FFM 2 (Abang)
Ahmad Yatim - FFM 3 (Pemburu)
Ahmad Mahmud - FFM 4 (Dendam Dari Pusara)
Eman Manan - FFM 5 (Matinya Seorang Patriot)
FFm 10 (Bintang Malam)
Azmil Mustapha - FFM 6 (Ali Setan)
Mustafa Noor - FFM 7 (Mawar Merah)
A. R. Badul - FFM 8 (Guru Badul)
Redzuan Hashim - FFM 9 (Hati Bukan Kristal)

a Day tO gO.....

  • one more day to go....i duno whether to be hepi or the other way around....im quite sad lately coz ill be leaving kuching soon....i hv grown up in Kuching for 22 years...so its quite awkward to leave Kuching at this age.....huhu....so sad.....i went to IPBL today n most of them gave the same piece of advice....as if its getting cliche u know...

"take a gud care of urself n the rest too".... "dun play to much"...
"study smart"..... "dont forget us here"...
  • well, of coz i wont forget IPBL....it has been among the most wonderful places i hv ever known....i wouldnt do that....well, i try to take a gud care of myself n the rest.....cant promise a lot on that....im there for the purpose of studying....hope i can do it....play??? well, im quite playful...so i duno if i can get rid of that behaviour....huhu....so sedey.....so i hv made up my mind not to promise anything back but ill try to remember all those advices given....tq n i know u all love me n the rest...so plizz pray for our success.....thanks.....
  • i spent the last 2 days here by doing so many things....so many business to settle before i leave....well, i dun want things to be in mess when im over there...so i wanna settle things as soon as i could.....i met saiful for the last time....kinda sedey coz we will only be together again next year...thanks saiful for everything....nang sedey jak rasa nyawa tok koh....
  • i hv started to pack my stuff....x yet putting them in the bag....well, nang rasa sayu n sedey jak nyawa coz ill be leaving kuching this sunday.....which means a day after tomoro....what else can i say??? how i wish i can say i dun wanna go....its impossible....unless u hv so much money then u can that....im just lost i guess....i really wanna spend my last one day here wif the most beautiful moment i wish i could have here.....dun wanna go but hv to....what else can i say now???im sad n i hvnt packed anything yet....everything is ready to be put in the bag...its just that im x ready to do it.....

BeSt AcTrEsS (PaRt 2)

Erma Fatima - FFM 11 (Femina)

Tiara Jacquelina - FFM 12 (Ringgit Kassorga)

Ida Nerina - FFM 13 (Layar Lara)

Amy Mastura - FFM 14 (Puteri Impian)

Erra Fazira - FFM 15 (Soal Hati)
FFM 18 (Hingga Hujung Nyawa)

Umie Aida - FFM 16 (Embun)
Nasha Aziz - FFM 17 (Trauma)
Sharifah Amani - FFM 19 (Gubra)
Vanida Imran - FFM 20 (The Red Kebaya)
  • These are the other 10 winners for Best Actress FFM 11-20

BeSt AcTrEss (ParT 1)

Azean Irdawaty - FFM 1 (Esok Masih Ada)

FFM 3 (Langit Petang)

Dato' Sarimah - FFM 2 (Dia Ibuku)

Rubiah Suparman - FFM 4 (Bila Hati Telah Retak)

Rosnani Jamil - FFM 5 (Jasmin)

Fauziah Ahmad Daud - FFM 6 (Ali Setan)
FFM 7 (Puteri)
Raja Norbaizura - FFM 8 (Oh Fatimah)

Erma Fatima - FFM 9 (Hati Bukan Kristal)

Deanna Yusof - FFM 10 (Selubung)
  • These are among the winners for Best Actress Award from the first to the tenth FFM....

X iN d MooD

well, today sum of my frens have gone to UKM....
ive heard so many stories from them today....
still, im x ready to go there yet.....
duno y but the feeling is still the same....
im still the same....
x in da mood to go there...
what shd i do????

HaRi Yg EneRGeTiC!!

what a hectic day today was....i had so many things to settle today.....early morning, walter informed me that i will be sent to KOLEJ UNGKU OMAR, together wif alex, dylan, dhiya, rifky n taufeq....coz Zaaba cant afford us anymore....so the boys will be divided into 2 groups...the first one, which is my grup will be in KUO while the other 6 will be in KOLEJ TUN HUSSIEN ONN....haha....sedey la juak sbnrnya coz at first thought all boys will stay in one kolej....but the gud part is, i neednt to pay so much for the rent, compared to Zaaba....another one is ill be wif the other 6 gurls in KUO, which are yana, niza, deal, dewi, hanie n kim.....n in fcat, i really want to be there....so half of cohort 3 will stay in KOLEJ UNGKU OMAR...thats great!!!hehe....enuf of that story...

what did i do today???
  • well, so many things need to be settle....so i wet out after lunch....first destination, AVON...nak settle kan orders dr org2 a.k.a my customers....haha....once settled wif Avon, i went to pick my aunt's baju kurung kat Satok juak....kepak pusing cari parking...at the end, i just parked kat blkg bangunan next to yellow line....nebes li jak takut kenak saman...i ran n took the baju kurung...i saw some cars hv been summoned....haha...nasib i lepas...
  • then i went to wisma satok.....look for sum stuff n wanted to buy some shirt tp sik jd coz ntahla....i hv other preference....settle kat sia, i went to electra house area...cari barang....after found them, i made my move to golden triangle area....first, Avon coz sum stuff were x available at satok....then i went to sp to buy sum stuff....then i went to parkson n bought a tshirt that i hv wanted to buy for a long time.....i wanted to buy white tshirt tp transparent glak...then u can imagine how it looks like.....
  • then i looked for other colours wif the same design.....after consulting few people, i chose black n pink....i put aside the idea of pink as feminine.... coz sumhow we hv to change...dun be too stereotype....haha....settle wif my business there, i went to guardin...2 guradin diagak to buy my cleanser....finally got ut before i went to nana's house to give her avon orders....nana bought lipgloss....haha....
  • then went to tabuan jaya to take my stuff n bought few things....the last destination, mdm anne's house to give her orders...all in all, i settle everything in about 5 hours....can u imagine how energetic i was just now???nang pun....in fact, penuh seat keta dgn brg2....not only penuh seat keta, melayang juak duit tegal berbeli barang....i dun wan to buy my stuff other time coz i feel lazy to do so....coz i want to spend my last 3 days here...thats all report of the day...chau!!!!

CikGu NaK BaLiK DuLu..

well, have u ever heard of a teacher being so durjana when the class ends....this is a script that i overheard....

Teacher H : Murid, murid, cikgu nak balik dulu. Jangan buat bising ye!

that sounds very the durjana coz when u listen the tone, then u'll get what i mean....what kinda of teacher is this??? looks very rushing to get out of the class....haha...well, i shd salute that person coz being himself/herself....nang jujur n not being hypocrite at all....thats gud...but how do the students react then???i wonder....they might laugh or feel hepi as the teacher has left....haha....im proud to know this teacher actually...he'she will make a very telus, kudus, n jujur teacher....will scold anyone that annoys him/her.....congrats Teacher-To-Be that i know...u r great!!!!

3 or 4 DaYs To Go...

well, ive got nothing much to share today....i didnt go out...just stayed at home....n started some packing....what did i pack???well, i packed few stuff inside my laptop...confused??? meaning that i susun my stuff in the laptop....so everything is perfect n enough....coz i usually save anything inside the pc...so wanna make sure eth needed is oledi in the laptop....on top of that, i started to cari my pakaian....well, it seems that im x sure which baju shd be brought together n which shd be left behind...ntahla....totally x in da mood of packing....ive got another 3 or 4 days left in Kuching....it sounds very awkward....i hv never left Kuching before...well, the rst of the time, i watched tv n surfed the net...nothing much....boring!!!!

HePi BurFdAy DeAL...

hepi burfday deal!!!!
may Allah bless u...
gudluck in everything u do....
may u find ur Mr Rite a.s.a.p....
hepi 22nd burfday!!!